What's the Most Popular Time of the Year for Design-Build Remodeling?

It’s no secret that Americans love to renovate their homes. In fact, home remodeling searches have more than doubled from 2020 to 2021 according to Kitchen Infinity. Many homeowners wonder what the best time of the year is for design build remodeling but starting remodels in the summer offers many benefits. Here's why summer is the best time to start a design-build remodeling project.

1. The Weather Is Ideal

Remodeling can be a dusty and messy process, so it’s best to avoid starting a project when the weather is cold and wet. Summertime is perfect for opening up the windows and doors to let in some fresh air and keep the dust to a minimum.

2. You Have More Free Time

Between work, school, and extracurricular activities, schedules are often packed during the fall and winter months. Summertime is a great opportunity to take on a design build remodeling project because you likely have more free time to dedicate to it. Plus, if you have kids, they’re often out of the house during the day, giving you and your design build contractor even more time to work.

3. You Can Enjoy Your New Space All Year Long

Starting a design build remodeling project in the summer means you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy your new space before the holiday rush begins. Whether you’re adding an outdoor living space or renovating your kitchen, you’ll be able to enjoy it all year long.

4. You Can Beat the Rush

Remodeling is a popular summer activity, which means many homeowners will be competing for the services of contractors and other professionals. If you start your project early in the season, you’ll be able to beat the rush and get the dates and times you want.

5. You Can Take Advantage of the Daylight

Summer days are longer, which means your design-build remodeling contractor will have more time to work on your project during daylight hours. This is especially important if there is any work that requires extra lighting, as they will have more time to complete it before the sun goes down.

Overall, summer is the most popular time of year for design build remodeling projects. The weather is ideal and you have more free time. Plus, you can enjoy your new space all year long. If you’re planning, designing, or executing a remodel, make sure to contact our team of experts.

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