Forward Design Build Remodel

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2 Top Home Remodels of 2020

Though you may be eager to say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021, there are still a few months left in the year. To make the most of the time remaining, you may be considering some home remodeling services. After all, many of us have been home more than usual and are craving a change of environment.

If you're looking for some of the hottest home trends from 2020 to finish the year off with a bang, here are two top design-build remodeling services you should consider for your home.

Home Office

It's no surprise that many of us have been working from home more this year, and that trend may continue into next year. For this reason, it may be in your best interest to remodel that spare bedroom into a luxury office space. You're going to want your own space away from the rest of the family to help you better focus. By hiring design-build remodeling services to create your office space home addition, you will ensure the best work-from-home office possible.

Be sure to liven the place up with some bright colors or an accent wall. You don't want your home office to look like a cubicle. Adding some color and even a few plants will help to create a livelier workspace that can increase productivity as well as the aesthetic of your office. Your home remodeling contractor will be able to help you decide what color will best suit your space.

In-Home Schooling

Depending on your local school district, your child may be learning from home for a few days of the week, if not entirely. Because of this, you'll want to give them a room of their own. Installing it away from your office and common areas will allow everyone to get their work done in peace. Working with a home builder may be a good idea if you're looking to add or expand a room to make space for the transition in schooling.

When your child has their own space for schoolwork, it will benefit not only them but you as well. Design-build remodeling services can help you to provide the most stimulating, yet not distracting, environment for your child to learn. Depending on their age, this may mean including different murals on the walls or even an non-traditional sitting area. If they are young, a desk and computer in a plain room may not be the best option. Custom home builders can help create the perfect learning area for your child as we navigate the learning curve of online schooling.

Adding an additional room can also add value to your home in the long-run. You can typically expect a return on investment near 70% for a bathroom remodel, so an additional room could be easily just as valuable, if not more, due to its inherent versatility.

When you're ready to create a more efficient and well-rounded home environment, having these additional rooms are beneficial in the long run. Contact Forward Design Build Remodel to make your end-of-year remodeling dreams a reality.

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